RJH Fencing Solutions has a reputation for having extensive knowledge and skills across a wide range of timber options.
From design to installation, we can offer recommendations and solutions when deciding the best timber and style for your needs.
RJH Fencing Solutions only uses premium-grade materials and can customise your fences & gates to suit individual specifications.

Treated Pine is a timber that has been permeated with a chemical solution, giving it a long-term resistance to decay, insects and other deteriorating factors. It is a cost-effective option that is built to last.

Hardwood is strong and durable. Whilst more expensive than treated pine, Hardwood gives a unique and varied appearance and definitely worth the investment. Many indigenous hardwoods also provide natural protection against bushfires, so a good option for those building in bushfire zones.

1.8m H3 Treated Pine Standard Paling Fence
Our Standard Style Timber Paling Fences are installed using either H3 Treated Pine Palings & Rails with Galvanized Steel Posts, or Hardwood Palings, Rails & Posts.
Standard Paling Fences are cost-effective solutions for boundary fences, providing privacy and durability.
Options to have single sided or double sided palings.
All posts are secured with structural cement & we use marine grade stainless steel fixings throughout.

1.8m Hardwood Lapped & Capped Fence
As with our Standard Style Paling fencing, Lapped & Caped fencing can be installed using H3 Treated Pine or Hardwood.
The lapping of the palings and additional capping on the top provides that extra level of privacy and strength.
Lapped & Capped fences are good options for boundary fences or those seeking more privacy.
Picket fences are a decorative option that give your house added street appeal.
A horizontal top rail and bottom rail are attached to fence posts, which are installed upright into the ground. Evenly-spaced boards are affixed vertically to the rails. These boards with pointed tops are called "pickets".
Picket options include:
Square Top
Round Top

Treated Pine Square Top Picket Fence with small Retainer

Merbau Horiztonal Screen

Bespoke Reclaimed Timber
To help reduce the waste of timber products, recycled timber is fast becoming a popular option for those after a stylish look that is also better for the environment.
Reclaimed timber options include;
iron bark
spotted gum
tasman oak
and many more.
Featuring holes, knots, marks and colour variations reclaimed timber gives that unique and individualised look.

H4 Treated Pine Retainer
Retainers are needed when extra support is needed to prevent earth moving due to erosion or a cost-effective way to divide up your space.
Retainers can also be used under fences when the typography of the land is uneven.
Retainers can be in treated pine, hardwood, sleeper retaining walls.